Blog Post #1 Layout

Horror movies are one of the most exciting yet frightening pieces of art. Since a young age, I was always afraid of watching them and would always make up some sort of excuse to prevent my parents from forcing me to watch them. I had thought that since I was a boy, I had to be strong and fearless, and act like nothing could ever scare me. Looking back at it now, I truly think that the horror genre is extraordinary by the way it can make the audience feel these kinds of emotions even through a screen. This is why I have made the decision to make an opening sequence to a horror movie, for the sole purpose of making the audience feel suspenseful/afraid. 

    The establishing shot will start off strong with action right off the bat, it will be a person running away from something unknown with apparent heavy breathing incorporated in. Multiple cuts of different close up angles on the person running away will be seen throughout the first bit of the scene to add suspense and a sense of urgency. The person will run up to a house trying to swiftly open the front door, but there would be multiple keys to go through in order to find the correct one. This is also done to add more suspense and keep the audience on edge about the mysterious thing that is running after the person. 

    The victim will then enter the house locking the door behind them, prompting them to scurry around in search of some kind of weapon to protect themselves. He/she will then run up the stairs of the house with the door suddenly being unlocked behind them. The character will try and find a spot to hide in at the upstairs theater room, but ends up coming short and just hides behind the movie seats. A close up shot will be placed on the character lying down on its back and then some kind of creature will slowly reveal its face over the theater seat, leading to a sudden jump scare. 

     This opening sequence is not specifically inspired by a particular movie, it is inspired by the horror movies that I have watched throughout the years. All of the ideas that I've gathered and thought of will be put together and formulated into one scene. My main goal is to make the scene as memorable as possible to the viewer and leave them frightened, wondering what is about to come next.

Tentative Timeline 
(Subject to Change)

January 1st - January 20th: Research

January 22nd - February 7th: Script + Gathering everything I need.

February 10th - 21st: Filming

February 25th - March 3rd- Any editing that needs to be done/Filming if needed



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